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Old 03-02-2004, 05:37 AM
Belial Belial is offline
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Originally posted by HarleyRider6769
Do You Really Believe the Media Only report what the People want to Hear ? Now I would Love to "Hear" the truth about WACO , Ruby Ridge , The Bombing In Oklahoma . But They "Media" don't tell what really happened Like the Fact that if the Gov't wanted to Get Korech without trouble why didn't they just wait till he went to breakfast in town just like he did nearly every morning ? Why was the Press there at the Compound when the Gov't went in ? Hummm Did the Gov't want America see what it was doing to it's citizens? or did they want to see if they could justify the Armed invasion of it citizens Homes...BTW where were all the Liberals and ACLU types When The Branch Dividians Cival rights were being Violated "Freedom of Religion" Oh and where were all these Fully Automatic weapons They were suppose to Have ? Where were all the Liberals when Randy Weaver 's Wife was Murdered By and F.B.I. Assisan and His son shot in the back..At Ruby Ridge? I could go on but then I would be Labeled as a Gun Nut or some assine shit like that .

The America People are Sheep !! Bahh Bahh Bahh

I don't quite understand how the mainstream media's lack of coverage on those issues equates to a liberal alignment. Where were the liberals on Waco? They were showing footage on public access cable that served as a rather searing indictment of the government and its authorities. I may be in my early 20s but I remember Waco. As for Randy Weaver and Ruby Ridge I have no idea, I'm not familiar with those incidents, but I'll look them up.

It's important to remember, however, that liberalism is not defined by the actions of certain organizations that are in someone's estimation, "liberal". Just because the ACLU doesn't take up a cause (or so it may appear) doesn't mean that no liberals care.
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