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Old 03-02-2004, 07:51 AM
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south south is offline
I got my "eyes" on U!
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: up the river north of the big town
Posts: 958
If the issue is going to reduce down to Homosexuality is wrong and an threat to our society, which is what I get from the posts of HarleyRider769, should the bigger issue be where should we deport those fags to? And how do we stop them from multiplying?

I don't see how if we afford this group most all human rights and pass a law like the "Hate Crime" laws to continue to punish people more harshly for committing crimes against Homosexuals and others. Why do we draw the line at marriage?

Homosexuals are allowed to raise children, for that matter to birth children, to vote to own property jointly geeeez to do a lot of stuff, that just does not make sense in the minds of some people. Yet we as a society do afford them some rights.

As a society we have moved homosexuality away from the margins, out of the closet and more to the mainstream…and exaclty what evil has happened to us?

For whatever reason, Nature or Nurture or some combination of the both, Homosexuality is a fact of being, it always has been and I imagine it always will be. From my what I have seen Homosexuality is not a choice that you simply change.

Obviously homosexuals are someone’s children. They are the brothers and sisters of normal everyday people. Their difference is generally not a choice but an imperative. .

This is not an issue about the media, liberal or otherwise, I have worked in TV and I can tell you the reason for television is to sell more products by getting better ratings. They will do what ever they can to increase ratings period. If you are paying attention to the mainstream media you are fool with the attention span of a high functioning third grader, which is exactly the level targeted by the media pundits. Why video of fire is more important than trying to explain just what the hell Alan Greenspan is actually saying.
Sex is a tricky thing best left to professionals.
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