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Old 03-15-2004, 05:15 PM
burnout burnout is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 5

Thanks guys and gals for all your input. What all of you are saying makes sense to me. I have tried and will continue to keep the lines of communication open. I am the stay at home parent so I do most of the domestic activities. Most of her stress is from work which I don't have any control over. I will continue to be patient and understanding.

In the meantime, I thought of an idea. Now, I am not always focused on sex as far as relationships go, but this is really the only area that is troubling the marriage right now. Anyway, I thought of making a care package. Kind of like what you get in college from your parents. The one I am thinking of though is not anything your parents (at least mine) would send. I bought some sex "self-improvement" books for both of us to read. They may have some naughty ideas that will peak our interest. In addition I was going to bundle them with some roses, perfume, and a sex toy or two. So, my questions for the ladies:

1. What is a dependable web site where I can purchase some toys namely a good vibrator for my wife ( her old one broke)?

2. What kind of vibrator (make and model?) would you recommend to be durable and do the job?

3. Do you have any other suggestions I should add to this "care" package?

Thanks again for your help. Hope to hear from you.
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