Thread: Bisexuality
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Old 03-23-2002, 03:37 AM
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What a thread, I have so many thoughts whizzing around my head now

Like for me there has to be a mental thing, a spark to be attracted to someone, physcial build does have a lesser influence. I get attracted by what goes on inside their heads and love the verbal interaction. Now I've never been with a woman, but I sure as heck have some vivid dreams about it and there are women that I am attracted to because of the spark that is there when we are together.

Perhaps one of the reasons these feelings have never came to actuality is the society in which we live and love. It makes us afraid to be open about our thoughts. I have been labelled easy before by past boyfriends when they find out about my past and I shudder to think what they would call me if they knew about my female dreams. Thank heavens for MrX who is the most sexual and open bloke I know, and all the other wonderful guys here at Pixies

Sorry for the ramblingness of this, you've just got my brain working too hard first thing in the morning!
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