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Old 03-17-2004, 11:00 AM
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WildIrish WildIrish is offline
is not this trim anymore!
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: New England
Posts: 21,709
I've always felt that sex is a barometer. Lack of sexual desire doesn't indicate a problem with sex, it's a problem with the relationship. You love her, and unless there's a really bad problem, she loves you too. Odds are, you already know what is bugging her right? Hasn't she said it all along? I know my wife does, and I don't listen until I am forced to. Then I say to myself "gees, so this is what she meant...DUH!" Anyway, fix the problem! Don't look for ways to make her horny, look for ways to let her know you care about her. Draw her a bath, pour her a drink at the end of a long day. Not with the intent of pouncing her when you crawl between the sheets, but because you know she's tired and stressed and you care about relaxing her.

Treat your love and relationship like Kevin Costner's ballpark! If you build it, she will cum!
Though I am different from you,
We were born involved in one another.

For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.

Complete surrender should not just come at moments in which one faces overwhelming odds, but in the calm when it seems one is personally in complete control of one's life.
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