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Old 03-17-2004, 06:39 PM
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CunningLinguist CunningLinguist is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Texas
Posts: 545
Still no takers?

Come on!

You would also be getting good karma points as I am a charity case and my only other option right now is lving on the streets.

My upkeep also went down!

-317/mo. and falling for credit card bills.
-My car insurance is paid till September and is projectec to be half of what I pay now. Heck, I am your slave why do I even need a car?
-$56.23 for student loans.
- I know I said $100/mo. for food, but in reality I cna get by on much less than that. When Succubus Kitty found me in my dorm room last May in the weeks after my fiancee dumped me I had gone for almost two weeks on just a hot dog and a single bowl of ramen noodles. For best perforance, it is suggested you feed your sex slave chunks of meat in savory sauce. (I can actually prepare this myself if given the right ingredients.)
-OK so maybe some humuliation. I really have no pride, but I am just scared of what my master will try to devise next. Basically nothing that my mom and dad will find out about back home.
-For that matter lets just say Lillith would be right out. Ummm I am pretty sure she would abuse my trus and chop off my penis or itroduce me to her Spiked Dildo of Assrape.
-As always: No fatties, trannies, men, or facial hair. (Let us exclude those flaky Spanish becuase they pulled out of Iraq a nervous French Catholic teeange boy fucking his first whore.)

BTW: This is no longer the stupidest idea I have ever heard. My little brother suggested last week with SK's temporary male roomate and the possibility that I may move in after getting kicked out of ym parent's house, SK should shoot pornos like We Live Together and have her husband and a male roomate go out to the mall looking for horny willing to do a DP. I thought he meant women, but no he wanted to see gay porn.

On second though given the sickos I live with now, Lillith might be an improvement.
Well sir that seems to be someone else's problem.
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