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Old 03-23-2002, 01:39 PM
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Kissy Kissy is offline
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My father is full Norweigan but my mother was many things including (but not limited to) irish,german,english,indian,and swedish. So even though her hair was pure black and she had bright green eyes, I got the genes with the red hair, but my Dad was a toe head so wherever the sun touches my hair it turns white blonde, it makes for some interesting colors. I also got his darling blue eyes. Maybe because I've fought to hide them for so long, I'm not a fan of tons of freckles, too many people made fun of them for so long, I just prefer to wear sunblock so my complexion stays farely even. But it only takes one full hour in the sun, through a window even and all the freckles come out again!

You know the whole temper thing just isn't true. I'm vendictive, I have a temper, but when I'm angry the last thing I do is throw a tantrum or even raise my voice, it scares my husband and annoys my best friend, she's a screamer, and now my husband is afraid if we have a little girl, she's gonna be a redhead with HIS temper!

I have been with a red headed man, he was very self assured (probably from the attention of his hair) and oh so cute...but not anything different in bed.

I think if you believe your beautifull because of your red hair and not that it's a curse then maybe you get the self assured trait. Hell I don't know. I've seen all sorts of beautifull men and women with all sorts of hair colors and skin colors for that matter. But I do know that if asked my best feature, I allways answer my hair. And if I go bald...well then it will be my mind!

Allthough I do think maybe red heads are all crazy...I know I am.
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