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Old 03-23-2002, 01:57 PM
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BamaKyttn BamaKyttn is offline
Starry-eyed Pixie
Join Date: Jan 2002
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Lilith hehehe perhaps... a good time could be had by all

Although I'm not a natural red head (I'm actually a blonde) you couldnt tell it from my skin tone, I'm very pale and my nether region hair has red tones so I can pull off the red hair as well as several shades of blonde which drived my stylist completely nuts, she hates it that I can pullit off heheh...

And as for the temper, I'm a bit violent but I feel that it's teenangst and I'll grow outta it, never hit a person but dented lockers in high school, punched through walls, and messed up knuckles on brick walls..... after my mother hit me one day though I just lost it, blanked out saw red and didnt realize what was going on until I had almost put my fist to her jaw... managed to bring my hand down and to the side enough to just graze her shoulder.... no more problems like that tho afterwards
mom also hasnt hit me since.

you're mad, I'm mad, we're all mad here ~ the Cheshire Cat Alice in Wonderland
-Seems we got here just in the nick of time. Whats that make us?
--Big damn heros Sir.
-Ain't we just.
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