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Old 03-24-2004, 04:01 AM
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GingerV GingerV is offline
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Oh jeeze, it's another one. I'm so sorry, Gilly. ER docs can be the best or the worst....some of them seem to think they have a right to be rude, especially if you come in with anything less than a near fatal injury.

The thing is, if you're having unexplained have a right to be there. Too many people die because they don't take their own pain best friend in England just damn near had a ruptured appendix because she didn't think it was worth a trip to the ER.

He may well be right, could just be muscles. If it comes back, spreads or gets worse though.....either make an appointment with your GP, or go right back to the twit in the ER. And this time, jump up and down and scream (well....whatever your poor neck will let you do) until he talks to you...and until you are satisfied with his answers! You have the right to a certain level of care, and reassuring you is as important as treating you.

Hope you're feeling better!

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