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Old 03-25-2004, 11:01 PM
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skyler_m skyler_m is offline
Count Spankula
Join Date: Nov 2003
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Posts: 2,360
When I was 22, I picked my 6 month old nephew up off the floor... and I threw my back out. It was just like in the movies. I was bent over and couldn't move... at ALL! I was in pain all day. Could barely move. The following day I went to a massage therapist. After massaging my back she told me that I had dislocated a rib and would be in pain until it popped back in place. Thanks to a friend of mine, it popped back in the next day... However, my back was never the same.

Over a 3 year period, I went to several different doctors. I would also spend 1 day a month laying on my back on the floor. It's the only way I could relieve the pain. The only thing the doctors did was give me muscle relaxers (that completely wiped me out). I finally broke down and saw a chiropractor....

I've been good ever since. My back will never be the same. I had a vertebrae that was slightly out of line. My pain was 2 vertebrae rubbing against each other with no padding in between. The bones will always try to slip back to the wrong position.

There are some chiros out there that are quacks. However, there are 2 that I've gone to that are wonderful. Now, I don't have to go to get adjusted anymore. I can pop my back and do the same thing. I'm not saying that chiropractics are for everyone, but I don't know if I would have found relief going to an MD.

By the way Gilly, if you need a non-medical person to poke you in the butt, please let me know.
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