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Old 04-10-2004, 02:10 PM
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curvyredhead curvyredhead is offline
Grumble's favorite curves
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: US (by birth only)
Posts: 219
Originally posted by skipthisone
Dear selfless Curly one,

Your letter has brought moisture to mine eyes. Since you so freely offered my monkeyness and all pixies your hugs, I will have to make your house my last stop. I will first stop by with my most advanced mold making machine and "form up" your long lost grumble-myster. Then I will drop off a fresh made realistic vibe to you...think of how prepared you will be for the real thing.

Yours in latex,


Dearest Skippy,

What more could I ask for! :lust:You are such a dear... I'll have to have a special treat waiting for you after such a long night!

Your friend forever....

The subconscious is a state in which reality is just a visitor!

A smile can make your whole day.

"I don't mind the sun sometimes, the images it shows, I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my cloths..." ~Pepper.
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