Thread: Does it??
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Old 03-30-2002, 11:18 AM
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Teuton---I am embarrassed to say this because no one knows of
my stupidity in my earlier years.I was brought up in a very religous,Catholic household.If the Pope told my mother to jump
off a bridge;she would probably do it.In my teenage years;I masturbated;at least;once daily.I was brought up to think that if
you spilled your seed;it was a sin.I may have been Catholic but I
loved masturbation and wasn't about to give it up.I used to;
tightly;squeeze my penis at the; point of ejaculation;so that;I wouldn't spill my seed!I'm lucky that I didn't do injury to myself!
This acted;like an isometric exercise and my penis;as a result;got
quite wide.To answer your question.NO.Ejaculation&masturbation
do not make your size smaller.I have masturbated;at least,once
daily;since abou 15 and I;personally;have not got a small one!(By
Far) Irish
P.S.That once daily is in addition to intercourse,fellatio,etc.and NO
you are not the only one;in the world;who does it!
Irish---Better to be dead & cool,then alive & uncool!
(Harley Davidson & the Marlboro Man)
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