I had read an article in one of the little magazines which came by the house (you know, the ones which offer home repair and decoration advice but throw in lots of ads?) and it just...hit home. It had talked about how many people are pissed off these days, short tempered and grumpy and when you asked them how they're doing or how the day went, they count off all the horrid things/crappy things that happened. They called it 'bad math'. Now, apparently there had been studies where people who have counted their blessings, good things, etc. got a better night's sleep, in better mental and physical health. They called this 'good math'. All this got me thinking: what am I greatful for? What blessings have I counted amongst all the bad stuff which is constantly running rampid in the 'ole brain?
- a roof over our heads
- our own place
- living in a peaceful country where I can state my opinion and feel free to practice a faith without persecution.
- in good health
- family
- good friends

- job
When looking at all this, I have to smile.
Yep, its good math.
And yep, I'm feelin' much better now.
How about