Thread: Cheating Poll
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Old 04-06-2002, 02:18 AM
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Sharni Sharni is offline
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The Macquarie Dictionary defines

Cheat - 1. a fraud; swindle; deception
2. to deceive

Sex - 1. the character of being either male or female. persons of different sexes
2. the sum of the anatomical and physiological differences with reference to which the male are the female are distinguished.
3. the instinct or attraction drawing one sex towards the other, or it's manifistation in life and conduct.
4. men collectively or women collectively
5. Colloq. sexual intercourse
6. sexually stimulating or suggestive behaviour

So to me cheating is another word for deceiving your partner....and sex includes more than i thought after reading this definition..but includes Oral, Anal, Handjobs, Fondling etc..
Smile, it's the second best thing you can do with your mouth.


If you go hunting prepared when ya catch one!
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