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Old 05-26-2004, 04:11 PM
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CunningLinguist CunningLinguist is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Texas
Posts: 545
I had no idea why anyone would want to ban Bare Naked Ladies?

I haven't even heard form them ina long while, but I do rmeeber them being a very fun band.

For fun I listen to whatever randomly pops up from my list of MP3's. We have thousand's of MP3's and while I do have them categorized by Artist, I gave up on trying to select what song I want to hear next.

For relief I listen to Phillip Glass.

For sexual ideas, I don't really listen to music, I jsut come to internet chat rooms or pop in porn :-P. Although, I like to play George Clinton to celebrate the end of a dry spell.

My philosophy on life ahs been shaped musiclaly by Rush, Dream Theater and Beethoven.
Well sir that seems to be someone else's problem.
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