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Old 06-06-2004, 08:38 AM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
Everybody Stretch!
Join Date: Aug 2002
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Originally posted by musketeer
This is worrying soon we'll see those long ques developing outside the gents as well! LOL

It's a common problem that in venue's where there are large amounts of people, the ladies line is so damn long and the men have no line at all outside the respective facilities! I attribute this solely to the mere fact that women are subjected to near total nudity in order to deposit a squeak of pee! Takes a long time to pull down those hose and panties and hold that skirt up and out of the way and squat/hoover (ladies DO NOT sit on public toilet seats...unless we are drunk and can't hoover without falling down!) over the seat and wait till the stream ends and wipe and make sure the paper went into the potty and not into the back of your hose and then begin the process of unrolling your panties and pulling them up and then again with the hose...which fight you all the way, btw, especially if it is humid...and retuck the blouse back into the top of the skirt and adjust the bra cause now it's all discombobbled from leaning in such an awkward position! Arrggggggggggggggggg!!!!!

If all we had to do was sidle up to a urinal and hold the skirt a slight bit (or unzip and lower jeans a pinch) and lower the panties along with the hose just an inch under our pee apparatus...whiz, stop and let go of clothing to let it spring back into proper place...and then GO WASH OUR HANDS (Yep gentleman...hand washing isn't just for the employee's of the establishment...AHEM!)...then...there probably would NEVER be long ques/lines ever again!

Also...I don't think ANYONE is suggesting that we suddenly converge on the men's facility INSTEAD of using the ladies room. Since this practice is possible for men in a regular toilet...then us ladies could still use our own lavatories and just use the toilet in this manner till we get some urinals of our own (in the year 2525...I'm sure...cause it's a "woman thing"...and well, who really cares unless a man makes a big thing about it?!!)

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