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Old 06-14-2004, 06:57 PM
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Great idea for a thread, Lilith_82! I knew I couldn't be the only one here at Pixies trying to lose weight.

As I mentioned in a previous thread, I've been going low-carb. Not completely as in the Atkins diet, but the Carb Addicts Diet. You still get to have carbs but only at one meal a day and your carbs need to balance out to 1/3 of your intake........protein and veg's being each 1/3 as well. I've also joined Curves. It's a fitness center for women only. I've been going 3 times a week.
I haven't been able to complete the full three circuits yet, but each time I'm getting better. And I've lost 6 pounds!!!!!!!!

I didn't gain it over night, and I'm not going to lose it overnight. I'd rather do this than have gastric bypass surgery if I can help it.
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