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Old 04-14-2002, 10:48 PM
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Jizzlobber Jizzlobber is offline
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Location: Butt-fuck Nowhere, Illinois, US
Posts: 91
Thank you RandyGal, both for your smiles, and the dedication of a beer. Especially the beer (I am, after all, Candian eh!). I have always had a special attraction to bigger girls. In fact, I've spent a great deal of my life feeling self contious for the very fact that I always seemed to be attracted to the girls my buds would never look twice at. I really think that the whole body image thing can cut both ways a lot of the time and I also think that there are a lot of men out there who are trying thier hardest to get women based solely on what they are told they should be attracted to and not what they are actually aroused by, both physicaly and otherwise.
Anyway, I really appreciated your thoughts, and I'm also glad that something I had to say maybe brightend your day a little bit. I hope you have fun tonight, and about that beer...can you drink two in my honour instead...
"Bass and treble heal every hurt,
There's a rebel in a nylon shirt
But the words are a mystery, I'v heard
'Til you turn it down to 33 and 1/3
'Cos it helps with the elocution
Corporations turn revolutions
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