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Old 07-20-2004, 03:49 PM
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wyndhy wyndhy is offline
pixie of the wood
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lixy…when I think about it I’m pretty much a man-made amenity junkie. I could survive on berries and my wits for all of about 3 hours. lol I’m becoming convinced an epi is the way to go. thank you!

steph… yep, an there ain’t much cuter than a baby all wrapped up in one. thanks for the luck

lilith…I can dig that idea... it makes so much more sense that way.

scotziodman…bigbad was there for the c-sec also and watched the whole damn thing and I’ve wondered many times how he did it. I’ve made myself nauseous just cleaning out a chicken carcass and filling it with stuffing hats off to you for doing the same. not to mention the fact that you had to choose whom to watch over: your brand new fragile baby or your wife who just went through major surgery.

steph…i don’t think pot counts

oldfart…you were there for THREE? that makes you wholly competent to post here…thanks

huntersgirl…a water birth huh? I’ve read about them but never spoken with someone who’s done it. fascinating! and thank you lots and lots

lakritze…thank you, doll. and yes, nowadays you can go for what they call a VBAC if the c-sec incision was transverse across your belly. the temptation to just schedule another c-sec was huge. “I will have this baby at 9:30 am on aug 18th” lol

bigtone…I really and most sincerely thank you for your wishes
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