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Old 07-25-2004, 11:54 PM
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0258223 and the Purity Police - Ch 2

Chapter 2 – interrogation

Before I knew where I was I felt myself being pushed into what sounded like a quite large, but unfurnished, room. It was noticeably quite cool in there and I felt my balls retracting in response to the lower temperature. There was activity going on around me – I heard at least one man and two different women whispering as I stood, blindfolded, feeling extremely exposed.

“Face me,” the male voice from my left hand side ordered. I turned to where I thought the voice was. “Now stand up straight.”

Even through the mask I caught the flash of the bulb – I just hoped that all they were going to do was take photos. There was a whispering that I could not make out and then I was aware of the smell of perfume very close to me. I could feel the body heat of someone standing directly in front of me,

A tingle ran through my entire body as I felt soft fingers stroke the much-reduced length of my flaccid member. The same fingers trailed down and round my balls. I wondered what was happening – the Purity Laws were all about sex within marriage, so why was a strange woman caressing me? My prick did its own thinking and began to grow. I could feel it beginning to lengthen and prepare to rise.

“That’ll do,” the male voice suddenly said and I felt the slight breeze as the female moved away. This was followed by another flash – I couldn’t work out why they needed my prick to appear bigger than normal. I didn’t have time to think about it.
“Let’s get it all measured.”

I was pushed forward and felt myself up against a hard smooth surface that reached up as far as my chest – it felt cold on my bare stomach and privates – quickly removing the effects of the girl’s hand.
A rougher hand grabbed my cock and balls, lifted them and pulled them forwards. I felt the rough surface of a hole as they were dropped again. Clearly they were the other side of partition to the rest of me. I panicked – what were they going to do?

“Stand still, wanker,” it was Carver’s voice. “Take his hood off.” The room was flooded with light and I saw that there were three police officers in the room: Carver, Josie White and the male who I now saw to be a sergeant.

I immediately saw that my dick and bollocks were hanging in a box: the inside of which was marked off with a grid that had numbers up the side. The squares nearest to me were white – then there was row of yellow squares – all the rest were coloured in red. “This is for the Court,” she said, “We have to measure your testicles and penis under certain conditions.”

“C..c..conditions?” I asked. She ignored me as photographs were taken from all sides against the grids.

“I would remind you, 0258223, that it is an offence, under the 2008 Purity Law, to be unduly aroused by any person, image or stimulus other than one provided by your legal partner for the purpose of procreation. Right,” she turned behind her, “show him the film.”

A screen, about four feet in front of me, suddenly sprang to life. A naked brunette girl was lying on her back she was well-developed with long brown hair; large, erect and reddish brown nipples; and a wild bush of dark hair between her legs. She ran her fingers around her nipples and seemed to look directly at me. Her hand then ran down her sides and towards her hairy thatch. As her forefinger stroked the lips of her cunt I felt myself becoming erect. The cameras around my prick began to flash. Meanwhile, on the screen, the girl was pushing her finger deep into her cunt whilst still cupping her left breast. As she withdrew her sticky finger and put it to her mouth I felt my dick reaching bursting point – and still the cameras clicked.

I quickly glanced down and, not without some pride, noticed that my prick (that had originally only reached as far as the line numbered 10) had now passed a yellow line and was into the red coloured squares on 32. The foreskin was fully retracted and the end, a deep shiny purple, was literally shining in the bright lights.

Back on the screen a man had appeared and was standing between her legs with an enormous erection inches away from the lips of her now glistening cunt.

“Okay,” said the sergeant, “Turn it off.” The screen went blank and I was pulled back from the partition yelping as my now swollen balls and prick were forced back through the hole with me – the hood catching on the edge of the gap and scraping painfully along the most sensitive part of my penis.

“You think that hurt,” it was Carver again, “You ain’t felt anything yet!”

“W..w..what’s going to happen?” I stuttered. Once again I was totally ignored.

It was the sergeant who spoke next, “Right get it bagged and we’ll have him before the judge.”

Josie came over and bent down to my feet, blocking off my view of what she was doing, her hand lifted my right foot off the floor, replaced it and then did the same for my left. I felt a piece of cloth being pulled up my legs and realised she was dressing me. Before I had time to breathe a sigh of relief I saw that the “clothing” was little more than a black pouch – it barely covered my still swollen prick that was roughly pushed into the bag.

“Undo his elbows,” the Sergeant instructed. Josie moved behind me and I felt my arms being released. Suddenly I was free – my hand shot round to cover my privates.

“Huh,” said Carver, “Waste of time doing that – we’ve got all the pictures we need for the Judge. Bring him through.”

Josie pushed me towards a heavily locked door. As she produced a large bunch of keys I couldn’t help wondering what had happened to the lovely little girl I’d known – how had she turned into such a hard-faced sadistic cow?

Before I had time to consider the reasons I found myself pushed into a large courtroom. I was amazed to see that it was packed to the rafters with people. I was pushed through to what looked like a giant fish tank stood on end, which I was roughly forced into before the glass door sprang shut. The “tank” was slightly higher than the backs of the seats – so I was above the level of most people’s eyes and feeling very exposed. I kept my hands in front of my pouch.

“All rise,” intoned the clerk to the court – the judge was a red-haired, voluptuous lady in her 40s. She strode in and sat at the bench and everyone sat – except me as there was no seat in the “dock”. “The prisoner will raise his hands above his head.

It took me a second to realise he was talking about me. I lifted my hands and suddenly felt them pinioned above me – two sliding panels had shot across and held my wrists securely over me.

“You are male citizen, 0258223, of flat 125, George Street, Croydon.”


“Speak up, man,” interjected the judge. “We need to hear you.”

“Yes,” I said louder.

“Yes, ma’am,” she instructed.

“Yes, ma’am.”

The clerk went on, “You are charged that on the 16th June 2008 you did, unlawfully, view pornography with a view to sexually arousing yourself and did then wilfully masturbate, contrary to the 2008 Purity Law subsection 22 paragraph 14 relating to Masturbatory and Pornography Rules: in which it is stated that “no person shall indulge in masturbatory techniques intended to result in a form of sexual gratification”; and “no person shall read, listen to, look at or in any way create, material that is of a pornographic nature.” How do you plead?”

“I, er, don’t understand….ma’am.”

The judge looked bored, “Were you wanking while looking at dirty pictures?”

“Er, yes.” A gasp shot round the court room.

“So you’re pleading guilty?”

“No, I’ve done nothing wrong.”

“Let’s see the evidence.” She turned to Carver who had taken the witness stand. “Constable Carver – what have you got for us?”

“I apprehended the prisoner holding his erect penis in his hand and there were clear signs that he had been masturbating. I have pictures.” Photographs of my erection and the puddle of cum were flashed on a giant screen at the front of the courtroom.”

“And the pornography?”

Pictures taken from my computer screen were also shown – in each case small black squares had been placed over the nipples, cunts and pricks in the photos. Again the audience gasped and a mutter went around the room. These were followed by the pictures taken earlier of my prick rising against the scale.

“Silence,” the judge thundered. She then turned to me. “That was a rise from to 15 to 24 on the Escale and an angle difference from 45o to 91 o! What have you got to say for yourself? ”

“N..nothing, ma’am.” There was nothing I could say.

“In that case I find you guilty. As you are the first to be punished under the new law I feel that I need to be harsh – for your good and as a warning to other. I will not take the extreme case of castration – but will use all of the intermediate steps. You will be sentenced to the following punishments – First you will undergo Public Humiliation, then the Testicle Twist and Crush Torture – you will then have your penis placed in The Tube and be hanged by the testicles; after that you will be placed in The Iron Mask. Finally you will undergo Ordeal by Fire. This should serve as a lesson to you – and to all men.”

I was quickly bundled out of the courtroom and back into the Police station.

“Ooh,” said Josie, “this is going to be so much fun!”

“Wwwhat’s going to happen?” I finally asked.

Attached Images
File Type: jpg arrest.jpg (11.7 KB, 1166 views)
File Type: jpg measuring 1.jpg (34.3 KB, 1160 views)
File Type: jpg measuring 2.jpg (38.4 KB, 1122 views)
File Type: jpg What the papers said 1.jpg (17.2 KB, 1139 views)
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