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Old 04-30-2002, 12:35 AM
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Irish Lynx Irish Lynx is offline
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts
Posts: 47
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Definitely NEVER have sex on anyone else's kitchen table, EVEN if you think they're going to be out of town for several weeks. There is NO good way to explain to your girlfriend's parents when they walk in on you in mid-thrust why you felt the need to have sex TWICE on their antique mahogany dinner table. (To this day, a faint stain can be found near the center of the table...luckily, her parents continue to tell guests it's a heat mark from a pot and not evidence of a sex act gone awry). (this obviously doesn't compare to WW's chronology, which was mind-boggling, but I assure was probably as embarassing as anything on her list)
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