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Old 09-05-2004, 05:33 PM
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PashkinThePanther PashkinThePanther is offline
Pretty Damn Amazing!
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Sitting here after a cloudless late summers day (no wind about 75F), I cannot help but TRY to imagine there conditions that some of our brave Pixieans are facing. And I can't. I see the coverage on the news but its one thing to see it, another to face it. Here in the UK we very rarely have to think of winds over 100mph so to all of you who have survived, thank the deity of your choice for it.

Hurricanes have interested me for years, probably because I never have to face them, but seeing the pix and reading the posts brings it home how awful they are.

Stay safe everyone in Fla, and hope Ivan misses you. Two in the space of a week would be too much to bear.

Pashkin, the Panther
Observer & Connoisseur of the Female Form
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Pixies' Eminent Astronomer & Meteorologist at Hull & East Riding Astronomy Society
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