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Old 09-08-2004, 06:07 PM
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Lilith Lilith is offline
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Fucked by Murphy

I swear Murphy is trying to prove his point with me today. I had to speak to the dean about a professor who is doing something I think is highly unethical and an invasion of my rights. In this meeting I was told I will be known to the admin where I work someday as a pain but totally worth it because I'm such a good teacher and that I had best hush til I got tenure. Not easy to hear.

Then my son's school bus was in an accident, he is fine, just a fender bender. He was so late and I knew something was wrong. I could feel it and didn't know what to do.

My Bunco game for Friday got cancelled cause of the rescheduled FSU/Miami game.

Then the Van Halen concert Saturday night (in a town some 3 hours away) that I won tickets for has been rescheduled to a weeknight.

OK I'm done with my pity party!!!! I know it's nothing compared to the troubles many are facing, especially those with hurrican damage or no power. But it was just miffing me off. *takes a cleansing breath*blows out all the negativity*

OK anyone else need to rant????????

The practice of putting women on pedestals began to die out when it was discovered that they could give orders better from there.~ Betty Grable

If I wanted your opinion, I'd remove the duct tape and ask you for it.~ Me
One man's dream is another man's nightmare~~~~> §¤ Lilith ¤§

~>My Scribbles<~
==>Gone Shopping<== ~Just a Quickie~ *~A Celebration Vacation~* ~Surprises~ Sleeping With the Window Open
What Did You Do Today? Self Defense Class ~Short Sweet Snippets~ § Summer Spin § Story Challenge Submission Pajamas
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