Thread: Wish me luck
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Old 09-16-2004, 02:40 PM
silentsoul silentsoul is offline
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Wish me luck

Well, day after tomorrow (sat sept 18) is my wedding day. Man it's gonna be hell, plain and simple, we (i.e. SHE) waited way too long to start planning this and it's just really hard to get everything together all in time.

We were planning to have our wedding outdoors but that's just about the time that ivan is supposed to be right on top of us so I doubt that's gonna happen. We were hoping to have it at the local firehouse because I did NOT want to have it in a church (christianity just ain't my bag) but again we didn't get to it in time and our request have been denied.

So as of now we're basically running around with our heads cut off.

But that's not even the part I need luck with. Guess where our honeymoon resort is DAYTONA, florida. Any other time it's like the greatest (and hottest) place in the world, but let my ass be heading down there and not only is there one hurricane, but TWO! It's still supposed to be raining at least part of the time we're down there.

So right now, I'm needing a whole butt load of luck for my wedding, my honeymoon, my sanity. Either way, we'll get through it eventually. Am I like really unlucky or did any of you have some close calls when it came to tying the knot and everything.
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