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Old 10-05-2004, 06:41 PM
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Studmuffin69 Studmuffin69 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Florida
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Today is The Day I turn the big 40. I smile contentedly looking out at the deep blue waters of The Gulf Stream. The sun is shining down brightly and so far it has been a perfect day of deep-sea fishing with my buddies on my boat, The Tingling Tess. We have caught swordfish and even the grand daddy of them all the Blue Marlin.

Yup turning 40 isn’t as bad as I had once feared. In fact it was pretty damn great. I have the most beautiful, charming wife who I adore and still couldn’t believe she had said yes to my proposal all those years ago. I own one of the hottest nightclubs in Key West where people beg for a reservation and spend their money lavishly. A home to be proud of and all the toys I could want. Even great friends, looking over at the three men laughing at some silly joke that was just told.

Just then Jack called out and said, “Hey Studmuffin you want another beer!” I turn and glare at the man who has been my doctor for 10 years now. “Fuck you Jack, stop calling me Studmuffin! I can’t believe Tess called me that in front of you assholes.” The three men bust out laughing again and Jack tosses the beer at me.

As I pop the beer I wonder what Tess is up to. She was all but insistent that I have this fishing party today. Then ordered me not to come back to the house but instead I am to go back to the club and shower and change into something nice she said. Hmmm I think, what is that vixen up too now? Looking over at the guys, “Hey guys what is Tess planning tonight? You can tell me.”

Paul and Jack just look at Jeff and me laugh and say, “Mike now you know we would rather be fed to the sharks then give away Tess’s secret. That woman of yours can be as fierce as an alligator when crossed.” The men all nod in unison and I roll my eyes. Paul looks at me and says, “Although I got to admit we don’t know either. She has been quiet about her plans this year.”

“Whatever I just hope it’s not some big blow out party. She told me we were having dinner alone tonight but I can tell something has been up with her the last few days.”

I turn back to look at the water and check my line. My mind drifts to Sal. It had been a couple of days since I had talked to her. She said she was going on a photo shoot and would call me but so far she hadn’t. Sal is a wonderful woman. If I already didn’t have my Tess I could see myself with someone like her. She is beautiful with that red hair of hers and beautiful inside with her wonderful personality. There was no denying I had a strong sexual attraction for her. Something Tess delighted in hearing about.

Smiling to myself thinking about how adventurous my wife was and how eager to explore all of life’s bounty. When I had told her how I would like it if Sal came for a visit and how sexy it would be to see Tess teach her the joys of being with a woman. Tess had just smiled and said I should try to make that happen.

I was suddenly jerked out of my fantasy of the two hot women as my fishing reel began to spin. Jumping up to my feet, “Hey guys get over here we got another big one!”

"Stand strong in the face of life's storms and the sun will always shine on you"

Aries Men:
Sleeping with him is like playing croquet with live bombs-you never know what is going to happen! Never expect him to wait for you to be ready-he will rip your clothes off if he is ready to go. Don't tease him or you'd better be ready to deliver. Fond of slave master games and he likes it rough. Aries men are also explorers, so be ready to go where no woman has gone before.
*His favorite position: a woman on her knees leaning forward.

My pic threads
The power of a hot woman
Who wants to join me?
Yes Lililth I did take pics.

Couple Pics
Tess's Big Adventure
Tess, her girlfriend and the new toy
Tess's kinky side
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