Thread: The Studio.
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Old 10-19-2004, 02:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Catch22
To Bg1

Mr Grey grins and takes you by the hand and shakes it. Wonders if you have noticed how turned on he is by you. "Why don't you come with me to the other classroom and we can chat in private?" Gives you a wink and leads you down the hall still holding your hand.

The instant his hand touches mine their is an instant where I am transported to someplace else a time when life was simpler and people cherished eachother and love/lust worked their wiles side by side.
I am instantly at ease with you and am no longer unsure why I stepped thru the front door. Almost as if you and the studio had been waiting for myself and it's other occupants to merely arrive.
I let you lead me down the hall and twice open my mouth to speak but finnally am only able to giggle happily as your hand continues to guide me into the "other classroom" we step through the door i wonder which will be more interesting; posing for a class, drawing in the class, or finding out just what turns you on the most. Finnaly I say something just a bit breathlessly.
"When can I start?, How does this work?, Will you be teaching and are there others who have joined yet?" I am still holding your arm and gaze comfortably into your blue eyes absently wondering just what it is exactly that turns me on so about you. "I ask about others because I saw two very beautiful people enter here just shortly before i arrived." "Will they.....?
and pause because you are silently amused at my enthusiasm. I smile broadly and wink at you squeezing your hand gently, and shift a bit closer looking into your eyes.mmmmm
~There is nothing you can do, that can't be done~


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