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Old 10-28-2004, 08:45 PM
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Salacious Salacious is offline
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Many years ago ... when our relationship was fresh and new and love filled ... and we actually spent time together I did crazy things in the name of romance. One that stands out in my mind and I know he still has, was something I made while we were living 60 miles apart and only saw each other on the weekends.

What I did was to rewrite the Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes and make it a Sweepstakes for a Weekend of Sex. I cut out phrases from my Cosmpolitan's and typed up pages and pages of Entry Rules and possible prize packages he could "win."

I spent several days making it, used construction paper and my old Smith Corona typewriter (shhhhh - I know) and anyways, it came from the heart and was made just for him. I required him to enter the contest by writing an essay on why he thought he should win the sweepstake. I thought it was a clever way to challenge him and would be fun!

Long story short I tried to recreate it in power point a while back, thinking maybe I'd try to resurect it electronically.. however I haven't sent it yet. Maybe it will give someone an idea to try. It probably needs some editing.

But it's an idea. Good Luck and I hope you find a winner!

Variety is the soul of pleasure. ~ Aphra Behn

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