Thread: Clutz
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Old 11-02-2004, 12:47 PM
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Cheyanne Cheyanne is offline
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Growth spurt = clutz when I was a kid. I was always turning my ankle or stubbing my toe (I liked to go barefoot and still do). My mom would always tell me that I never looked where I was going with my feet - so I started to watch where I was walking. Admittedly by doing that I did manage to stop stepping on the land mines that the dogs left in the yard.

One day, I was walking down the sidewalk, watching my feet like a good girl and ran smack dab into a piece of plywood sticking out of the back of a pickup nearly knocking myself out. Needless to say, I learned that I needed to scan the whole area and map my route before you know, be more aware of my surroundings.
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