Thread: Clutz
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Old 11-02-2004, 04:55 PM
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I'm sorry nikki ((hug)).

Hopefully, this will help out some. When I was about 4 yrs old I watched Evil Knievel jump over the Snake River. I was so enthralled by this, the danger, the excitement, the rush...that I got my tricycle and decided to jump off our front porch. There was a girl from next door that was watching (I already thought girls were really hot and needed to be impressed). I took a deep breath, and with nothing but pure determination started peddling the three or so feet to the end of the porch.

The drop off was at least 2 feet, and I somehow knew it would be impressive. I saw the end coming closer and closer and without fear...I pressed on, and went over the end of the porch. The problem with tricycles is that bar that goes right between the legs. While my tricycle crashed to the ground and stopped, I (spread eagle) kept going and landed on that bar with a force unknown to me still. I grabbed my crotch and started jumping up and down. I had, for the first time ever, been introduced to the pain testicles can produce. owieeee. Honest to God, they were bruised to the point of turning a very deep shade of purple.

This, however, would not be the last time I would find myself in pain resulting from impressing the girls.

Less than a month later, I decided instead of jumping off the porch with my trike, I would do it while wearing roller skates. When I finally gained the courage to jump, the skates rolled unexpectedly from the push off and I came crashing down on the porch knees first. owiieeee.

A few years later, in Jr. High, I was dared by two girls to jump over a bark-dust pile with my 10 speed, and wanting so bad to impress the pretty girls, and with a very similar unfortunate result, I did. Argh.

Happy to report, after all this, I still had kids.
"Old man, how is it that you can hear these things?

Young man, how is it that you do not?"
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