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Old 11-02-2004, 07:47 PM
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jdcjrc jdcjrc is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 10
My husband said the same things. We have 2 young children and both work outside the home. He has been telling me how great i look since befor I had the kids (I also lost most of the weight the first time, then a little less the second time). He could tell me I looked great and I'd shrug or smile but when another guy would tell me the same thing I felt BEAUTIFUL. The thing that has made me feel more comfortable with myself is I have come to accept that I don't look as bad as I thought, and he finally talked me into posting here, all the compliments are making me feel pretty everyday, if I fall back to a mood, I can reread my posts and feel great from the compliments all over again. It has helped my sex drive and my self confidence. Good Luck!
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