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Old 11-04-2004, 10:24 AM
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Jayman Jayman is offline
BigMan on the SW Tip
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Thank you all for you advice! =) My wife is a wonderful woman who has little self esteem. I just hate the fact that society has made it important to be ulta thin! She is always down on herself for her weight and the funny thing is is she is not overweight. I posted this thread to try and get advice on how to deal with that and have gotten great advice! Thank you all. I love her more now than I did when we first got married. She is the whole reason I live and I just want her to be happy and wanted some help in making her that. My first post made it look like I was just mad about the lessening in our sex lifes...but that is not it. I want her to be happy with herself. Thank you all again for your comments!
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