Thread: Target Stores
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Old 11-21-2004, 11:47 AM
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I am a bit torn about what to say on this issue. I am not particularly religious ~ I was raised Catholic and I am sure that scarred me for life ~ and I certainly wouldn't boycott a store because they applied a policy consistently. I *like* visiting Target (although I only do it about once every other month). I also happen to really dislike the bell-ringers.....I often don't carry cash and I resent that they make me feel guilty. I give to several causes in various ways ~ some money and some with time ~ and the Salvation Army is not on my short list.

Here's the BUT....

I tend to think that we in America are too complacent. Maybe it has something to do with being well-fed and having heat. Most of us don't pursue causes and "fight for what we believe in." I find many Americans to be politically and socially unaware....and I think that's a damn shame. So....I would never want to silence the voice of the 700 Club....or those who decided to the hopes that the social awareness "bug" might infect those people and they would begin to become more active in their communities.
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