Thread: Target Stores
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Old 11-21-2004, 10:23 PM
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cherrypie7788 cherrypie7788 is offline
Mama Mia!
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Don't get offended...This is a little off topic and a rant

I rarely give to charities, I'm not religious, and I guess I'm going to hell lol

Nah, but seriously, I think that it's distasteful to stand outside stores and pester people for money. Yes, it's pestering. It's annoying and I think that people just give because they feel guilty if they don't. Using guilt to get someone to give money is like blackmail. Most people really don't care about the charity itself, how many of us think about it unless it's shoved in our faces? People come outside the store, the people are standing out there ringing a bell/holding signs etc and they expect you to give. That's why people do. I don't just for that reason. If I WANTED to give, I would make a private donation.

I'm not AT ALL against charities, in fact I favor (private) charities because they (sort of) decrease dependance on the government (which is another can of worms I'll not open here....Evil capitalist that I am). Every summer, a friend of mine organizes a list of needy school children whose parents cannot afford school supplies and fiance and I give EVERY year. This past August we spend nearly $200 just on school supplies for kids we don't even know. That is how charities should be run, tastefully and through private donors, not by peddling.

<<<Feels much better>>>

Now that I said that, I will not be boycotting target because of the 700 club. Target is certainly allowed to have a no solicitation policy, Wal-mart should adopt one.

It's a BOY!!
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