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Old 05-28-2002, 11:54 PM
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scotzoidman scotzoidman is offline
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Oops! Dammit, I missed it...

Well, I knew it was coming up last weekend, and I futzed around & missed it... what, you say? My first anniversary as a member of Pixie's... I had been checking out the stories at the main site for quite a while, when I noticed "sex board".... bored & curious, I clicked... after reading only a few posts, I was hooked, impulsively I registered... so unlike me to jump right in, esp. for some web site asking for my email addy... but I was lured in, & hooked... soon I was lusting after the ladies with their sexy posts, then some of them posted their pics... I was esp. taken with a "LoveDiva4U", gawd, the sexy things she said in her posts turned me on long before she broke down & posted her pics!
In the past year, I have made many friends here, we have lost a couple of dear ones tragically, we have laughed a lot, cried a little, shared things with distant friends that I doubt most of us could say in a face-to-face... salved each others pain, lusted openly for another's bod, pissed each other off occaisionally... all the things that make a family, right?
I'm rambling now, but I had to get that out... & thanks to all my friends here who have put up with my odd thoughts, old lame jokes, & twisted perversions...

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