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Old 12-18-2004, 10:49 AM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
Everybody Stretch!
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Pa. USA
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Just answer me this...WHY?

Why when we already have perfectly good and abundant sperm all over the planet...WHY, WHY, WHY?

I really wish they'd stop fucking up the premise of the good that could come from stem cell research. This is the kinda shit that scares the "God fearing" people of this world and makes them think [we] are trying to play "God" or fool Mother Nature...or whatever it is that they are afraid of...and takes away from the endless possibilites of such a wondrous research. With all the possibilities of cures for many mysterious diseases...STOP fixing something that ain't broke!

Maybe, not ALL men were meant to have babies (infertility reference from the article) if they can't, maybe they can adopt!!!??? If we keep finding ways to put MORE people on this planet...and at the same time we are curing those who would otherwise die...where the hell are we all gonna live? The cycle of life is in place for a reason. That there are people already here...suffering, through no fault of their own, with a crippling disease or paralysis, and would wholely benefit from stem cell research and it's cures...should be the focus of this miraculous possibility. Not, how to make more people who might someday contract a disease that hasn't been cured yet because we were too busy just making more people!

What a vicious circle!

Geezzzzzzzzzzz...boys and their toys, eh?

*looks down* Oh SHIT! Someone call off this damn soapbox! It follows me wherever I go anymore! *jumps down and exits...stage left*
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