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Old 12-20-2004, 06:06 AM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
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Originally Posted by Oldfart

This is not about being able to create an army of crazed sperm which will conquer the


This is about someone who has lost the ability to generate healthy sex cells, whether through

castration, ovary removal, chemotherapy or any of a number of other things, being

able to have (probably through a surrogate womb) their own child.

It's not pretty, but if you don't have the option of drinking from the well, any drink is

better than none.

Is that deep or am I babbling again?

You're not babbling...and I know what infertility means. I don't picture an army of crazed sperm which will conquer the world (though, I referred to some of the people that might in my previous post)...but what I do picture is precious time spent creating new people when perfectly good (well...maybe not so perfectly good...but existing) people are already here, just waiting to be adopted. AND...the precious time spent on making the newbies could be spent trying to fix what is already in the here and Altzeimers (sp?) and AIDS and so on and so on. After we've got all of our existing "i's" dotted and "t's" crossed...then is the time to start thinking of how we can make infertile people's fertile.

That's all I was saying Oldfart...*hugs*
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