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Old 12-28-2004, 03:12 PM
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Originally Posted by LixyChick
Just got American Idiot [Green Day] for Christmas. The entire CD is fantastic...not just the two songs you hear on the radio.

I had been out to Wal-Mart for some last minute shopping on Christmas Adam (day before Christmas Eve) and I was looking for American Idiot for Mr. Lixy's stocking. I didn't see a slot for Green Day anywhere, so I asked the lady setting up the CD's. She was the music manager. She asked if I was looking for the new Green Day. I said I was. She said they don't carry Green Day since the new album came out. I exclaimed, "WHY NOT", so loud I scared myself. She explained that the new album was putting down President Bush and Wal-Mart has chosen not to sell such bashing. I said, It doesn't mention President Bush by just says American Idiot". She said, "Exactly". I laughed...but it pissed me off so I asked her, "Do you sell U2...or Marilyn Mason"? She said they did. I told her they were quite political at times too (couldn't think of others off the top of my head at the moment) I think this is biased discrimination. She just shrugged and went about her business.

Doesn't matter anyway...cause Mr. Lixy got it for me elsewhere!

Also got a Chili Pepper's "greatest hits" type CD. It's got all the good ones on it.

Another example of why I won't buy my music at WallyWorld...the dedicated swallowers of facism...
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