Thread: Smoking
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Old 01-14-2005, 10:15 PM
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BamaKyttn BamaKyttn is offline
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One of my coworkers told me how she quit.... She tracked her somking habit ie 10:15 had a cigarette with coffee

10:45 had a cigarette as I went to get the paper
etc then she took the number of cigarettes she smoked in an hour and cut it in half 2 cigs an hour...... first week 2 or 3 cigs an hour second week one cig less per hour than the previous until she was smoking one a day and >shrug< whats the point then..... the main thing she did was during those times when she was most accustomed to smoking ( with AM coffee, walking to the mailbox, etc) she paired a different behaviour to compensate for the loss of the nicotine crutch such as doing a crossword with coffee or >giggle < a hand clap rythm as she walked to the mailbox, yeah she looked silly but compared to how dumb she was with a cancer stick in her mouth...... make sure all smoking paraphanelia is out of the house. gone, poof. Otherwise the temptation will be too great. Personally I would ask my SO to 1 not smoke around me. 2 not smoke in the house. 3 support and help me achieve my goal.
if said SO would not I would ask 1 Does SO want to help me put on my oxygen mask in the next 10 years? 2 Does SO realize how offensive I/she/we smell to the general nonsmoking public? 3 Does SO realize that their lack of support is killing me literally and figureitivly?

-Seems we got here just in the nick of time. Whats that make us?
--Big damn heros Sir.
-Ain't we just.
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