Thread: Help with anal
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Old 01-30-2005, 12:28 AM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
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Welcum to Pixie posting t labs!

While Mark (^^^) may have the clinical techniques down to a science...anal intercourse is different from person to person and from time to time. What is good in one evening, may not happen the next. It's not always so cut and dried!

I can't tell how old you are from your profile...and so I can't assume an age for your g/f. If she is young and sexually inexperienced, I can totally undestand her reluctance to anal. A woman can barely know her own vaginal pleasures if sex is very new to her. Time and patience is the key to helping her decide if she wants to experience anal sex with you. This isn't something you can "talk her into". Take time to please one another in every aspect of lovemaking...touch, smell, see, talk, experiment...but never force the issue.

Don't stop trying...and when she wants/needs/has to have'll know!
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