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Old 06-12-2002, 09:22 AM
Coach Knight Coach Knight is offline
Cynic Emeritus
Join Date: Jun 2002
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Posts: 1,279
This is an excellent question. Some might think it is cheating and it might be if your doing it all hours of the day and lying to your SO about what you're doing. I have done it and felt a little guilty afterward. Some might consider online sex an enabler to a meeting in person. If you're typing with one hand and exchanging very intimate feelings with someone, especially over a long period of time, you could be inclined to agree to meet with them.

"Women, you can't live with them ... pass the beer nuts." - Norm Peterson (George Wednt) on Cheers

"Sometimes you just have to say, what the fuck." - Tom Cruise in Risky Business

"It tastes so good. Once it hits your lips." - Frank the Tank in Old School
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