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Old 02-06-2005, 04:31 PM
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Cheyanne Cheyanne is offline
Suprise Me
Join Date: Mar 2003
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Sweetie... let me tell ya.... I know exactly what you mean.

Mine doesn't act up all the time though. I had what I thought was a heart attack the pain was so bad. Went into the emergency room - had heart tests, stayed overnight...the tests came back negative (thank God for that). My doc wanted me to have an ultra sound. Had that... that showed spots on my kidney and gall bladder. He scheduled me for a CT scan... the kind with the ink injected into you.. (that was a blast actually... made my privates tingle..heheh)

Anyway.. that test came back abnormal.. I have polyps in my gall bladder and a cyst on my kidney. The attacks that I have aren't regular.. don't know what kind of food I can eat or not eat.. I just try and then eliminate those foods that give me an attack. So far chocolate, pistachios, spicy or fried I stay away from....

You, however, appear more severe than I do....and I would really discuss with your doc about getting your gall-bladder taken out! I know a lot of women and a few members of Pixies who have had it done.. and they are very very thankful that they did.

You don't need your gallbladder does have some function in the digestive department, but if you cook a certain way and watch what you eat you shouldn't have any more problems after you have it taken it out. Also, the surgery isn't invasive.. they make small incisions and fill you up with gas and take it out. The women who I know that had it taken out only stayed in the hopsital overnight and one did it early in the morning and went home that same day...
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