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Old 02-07-2005, 06:37 PM
MilkToast MilkToast is offline
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Originally Posted by maddy
I've never quite understood the concept of why political or other contorversial yet intellectual topics were taboo or become heated quickly. I understand that the underlying tone of pixies-place is erotica and sexuality, but if that is all that it was intended to be, with no furhter expansion, why do we have a forum that is titled "GENERAL CHAT" with the subtitle chat about anything here ? I see plenty of threads sprinkled across the forum that are non-sex related, yes a sexual innuendo may be added to the thread, or a flirt and a tease, but the underlying tone of the thread isn't necessarily sex. These threads aren't cast aside or complained about. The only thing I see wrong with the political threads is that people are passionate at pixies-place. And oftentimes passion prevents us from being most civil to one another, as it causes us to speak straight from the heart. Would it be such a wrong thing for citizens of our world to be passionate about politics of our locale and the world? Goodness something just might change with knowledge and passion.

Well said. While I am not a fan of the political discussions I do not see why they should not be allowed in the "general" section if people can be civil.


Originally Posted by Lilith
It's consistently the same....view one, view two, view one with support, view two with support, view one with support, view two with support, view one...
I'll be choosing view 42 to support... when that one finally comes along...
"It takes a lot of brains to enjoy satire, humor and wit - but none to be offended by them." -- Johnny Hart ("BC", cartoonist, 2000)
"Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog: Nobody really enjoys it and the frog generally dies as a result." -- E. B. White
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