Thread: Surprise!!!
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Old 06-16-2002, 02:34 AM
Mr. 3G Mr. 3G is offline
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Join Date: May 2002
Location: S.C. Ontario
Posts: 98
Good question

Funny you should ask that... I've spoken to several friends about the GSpot "technique" that is posted here. None of the guys I spoke with had learned the technique, most told me that the GSpot thingy was a myth - didn't really exist etc. When I told them what to do, how to do it, where to find it etc they all seemed very eager to try it with their wives /S.O.'s.

Weeks after telling these guys about the technique I, one by one, bumped into all of them and ALL of them had the same response when I asked them if it had worked...they ALL said they had NOT tried it. The reason? They had been married or with their women for X # of years and if they came home and tried something so radical and different their women would suspect they had learned it from another woman. I told them they should PRINT the TECHNIQUE out and show their wives that it was posted on the Net and , "Do you want to try this?" None of them, to my knowledge, have tried it yet.... ALL afraid of what their wives would say if they came up with something new.

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