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Old 02-22-2005, 05:19 PM
sweetlady sweetlady is offline
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Posts: 117
I haven't read most of the posts. I got so far and then decided I really didn't want to read it all, and so I may make some redundant or even pointless points here. Who knows, maybe you even already had sex with her. But here goes anyhow.

In my opinion, the most important thing you can do is to be open about things yourself. Behave as if sex is a natural, and wonderful thing. Behave as if every part of her is beautiful and wonderful. Behave as if you're surprised she thiniks of any part of sex as "wrong" or "bad." And mention that "yes, I'm dirty minded alright" with the attitude of "dirty" as a fun word, not a "bad" word. Help her understand the difference.

Be open yourself to new things. Not to put too fine a point on it, but here's a PERFECT example: If, say, you were to have oral sex, but then you didn't want her to kiss you after a blow job. This is a HORRIBLE double standard. Honey, if it's good enough for her mouth, it had DAMN WELL better be good enough for yours. If it's not, you'd best think twice before you allow her to do something that's not good enough for you! Much less ask her to....

The next thing is to treat her statements with respect. How do you do that? It's kind of vague, I think. Here's one way. If she thinks that oral sex is dirty, don't ask for it again. Ask if you may be allowed to just try it on her, if she says no, then let the issue drop. Bring it up again later on, after she's relaxed about other things some. Bring it up in a very sincere, GENTLE manner. Make it always a request, and a very loving one. Never pressure, never push, never demand. Always drop the subject for a long period of time after it's been discussed once. Always present it as if you don't understand her issue with it being dirty. Never agree or say you understand. Simply that you respect it and accept that she feels that way.

Never EVER, no matter WHAT, speak badly of another woman for doing something you want her to do!!! I cannot possibly stress that enough, if I made it red, huge, all caps, and with flames coming off it. What you say about other women ABSOLUTELY and TREMENDOUSLY impacts your SO's views.

If you don't want her to feel that you'd look down on her for wearing a thin shirt so her nipples stand up and can be seen, DO NOT DO IT TO OTHER WOMEN. Ever.

Additionally. With a woman who has these strict values, you will need to remain faithful to her. Perhaps some time later, she may become interested in other people entering the relationship. She may not. If you cannot live with that, then walk away now, because it's a 20/80 chance with the higher proportion going towards not wanting it.

Meaning, no more "she was putting her pussy right in my face and begging me to fuck her, I had no choice!" You have a choice. If you can't wait for this woman, you can't wait for her, and you need to move on, because all you will do is hurt her. Unless, of course, you don't care about that and just want to ejaculate into a warm body.

In which case, buy a goat. Just ask her for permission first.
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