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Old 02-28-2005, 08:41 PM
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Post-Sex Science!

Originally Posted by Loulabelle
I suppose it's possible that women's instinct (in most cases) to lie and cuddle after sex may have evolved due to pregnancy being more likely to occur under these circumstances, but that's just speculation on my part.

It's a veritable treasure trove of information in here but just to elaborate on and explain Miss Loulabelle's point up there...

One of the main reasons that cum is sticky is so that some of it sticks to the walls of the vagina ensuring more successful breeding. That said I quite like the idea of 'raise buttocks' for a baby, 'stand and drain' to avoid one!! A clever design God really should've considered!

And to correct Miss Loulabelle's speculation, the female tendency to lie and cuddle after sex is actually the direct result of the sex itself. It's one of those things where men and women are oddly incompatible.

Sex triggers a hormone in the female brain which promotes bonding - understandably given other evolutionary considerations about breeding - so that she wants to hug and cuddle and ensure that her mate will support her.

The male reaction however, is what they're all too famed for doing. We're biologically predisposed to rolling over and falling asleep! We can't help it, it's just the way we are!

None of which will help the guy who asked the question - but is quite interesting nevertheless I've always thought.
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