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Old 04-07-2005, 12:58 PM
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PashkinThePanther PashkinThePanther is offline
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Originally Posted by phelan
Some of my friends last night were rekindling their tales of how they hooked up with their g/f's, s/o's and such. So I'd like to know how fellow pixie members found their s/o.

I know for me it was a freak accident in the dorms. I was leaving with some friends and my g/f was walking in from the otherside of the door with her friends. When I opened the dorm hall door I hit the cake she was carrying and it literally spilled onto the floor. I felt so bad afterwards because I did it, I drove her to the local supermarket and bought her another one and that got things rolling as I eventually bought her dinner that night too lol. Kinda of "stroke of luck" in a sense.

Mine was completely by accident too. Now I'd known her for a long time, on and off, as she used to be my sister's best mate at college, but after a big argument over my sister's now ex-husband (she take a lot of telling, does my sis), they fell out. How I came to have my now g/f's phone number I can't recall, but in a fit of mischief I texted her. For a while, it was a case "Who are you???? I don't know your number, who is this...?" Then I came clean and revealed myself...

We got chatting a bit, and decided to hook up for the odd one-nighter after I moved into this place. I only realised how I felt about her when she started going out with someone else. I had to bide my time, and it all fell apart for her during fall last year, I was there to listen and pick up the pieces. Having got her tears dried and sorted (it ain't easy over the phone) I waited and I then made my feelings known just before xmas.

Now she's given up all her male friends, introduced me to her children, and if we're still steady in summer next year, when she finishes college, we're going to move in together, probably not too far from her parents who live in London.

She's made me the happiest man around, her looks might not be what everyone wants but that don't worry me none, cos its her personality and attitude that I love about her more.

I'm off now to work off something in the gym....
Pashkin, the Panther
Observer & Connoisseur of the Female Form
A re-introduction


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