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Old 05-11-2005, 02:02 AM
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Loulabelle Loulabelle is offline
Mrs FussyPucker
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: England
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I love to be naked, and yes, I do wander around my house in the nude quite frequently (every day, in fact) but I do so precisely because it doesn't bother anyone else.

I do not wander naked around my kitchen with the blinds up because I can be seen from the street, and I'm careful when sunbathing in the 'next to nothings' in my garden because I realise while I believe being naked is normal and natural, I'm aware that other people don't necessarily want to see it.

They have as much right to look out of their windows without getting an eyeful of my wobbly bits as I do to wander around in very little, so the unspoken compromise is that I don't walk around where they can see me, and what they don't know doesn't upset them.

When you live close to people you do need to be considerate of their feelings, their beliefs and the ways they wish to bring up their children, regardless of whether you think they're 'Victorian' or not.

Your neighbour was obviously displeased with what she felt was your unnecessary show (I'm afraid a man in his boxers isn't always the most attractive sight, despite how sexy you may feel when you're walking around semi nude) so she exercised her right to look disgusted and close the drapes.

Many would say her behaviour was far less offensive than yours so if I were you I'd think twice about antagonising her further by having sex where she can see you. At best she may be offended by the sight of your naked arse, and at worst she may actually feel threatened, frightened and distressed.

If you want to have sex outside, do so at night, or in a place more private away from home. If you want to be an exhibitionist, do it here at Pixies for a willing and appreciative audience, not some poor unsuspecting woman (not to mention her kids!) who happens to live next door to you.
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