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Old 07-14-2002, 08:38 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2002
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My first husband was 11 years older than me. He drank at least 12 beers a day......everyday! When we first started having sex it was good. He initiated or I did but we had it regularly. After a while his initiations waned. I was the agressor. I didn't mind at first but a girl likes to be wanted and after a while I had to say something. He said I wanted it so often that I never gave him time to initiate. So I backed off.......for three months! He never tried a thing in that whole time and I got pissed! He would sit and drink beers and watch sports on TV and fall asleep on the sofa. While he was sleeping he was a talker and all he ever talked about was sex. He would pull me near and whisper dirty things to me and then when he suddenly woke up........NOTHING! This nearly drove me crazy. I still to this day cannot figure out what it was all about. I have speculations though........I think that the alcohol took away his sex drive. His age never played a factor but it may be part of the reason......I just dunno.

But my point here is that, yes, I have had a man say no to me and say it often. After a while I got to thinking it was me. That I wasn't desireable anymore. I have come to find out that that just wasn't true. Mr. Lix will verify that and has been verifying it since I left the ex some 15 years ago. I left him specifically for that reason! You can only hear no so many times and then something has to change. I changed my address!

Mrs. Lix

P.S. Princess..........You never told us his age. And does he drink? Just a thought!
VENI, VEDI, VELCRO (I came, I saw, I stuck around)!
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