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Old 07-16-2002, 01:55 PM
Coach Knight Coach Knight is offline
Cynic Emeritus
Join Date: Jun 2002
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Big Old Pixies Party

I know there is a Pixie party planned in August but many of us can't or won't go.

So let's fantasize for a minute that we all could go. What would you want to do with the other members of Pixies for a weekend.

Whether it be having a threesome, huge orgy, experiment with someone of the same sex, or just sit down and talk and get to know everyone better.

And is there someone from Pixies, (again fantasy world only), that you would love to hook up with and go absolutely crazy with for a weekend.

Just throwing something out there and seeing what kind of party it would be if we all attended.


"Women, you can't live with them ... pass the beer nuts." - Norm Peterson (George Wednt) on Cheers

"Sometimes you just have to say, what the fuck." - Tom Cruise in Risky Business

"It tastes so good. Once it hits your lips." - Frank the Tank in Old School
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