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Old 02-05-2003, 08:44 AM
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Just a little Bit Different

Just a little Bit Different

When did I realize it? The exact moment when I became aware of it, I think I will never know. What happened? It was the day the realization came to me that the school I was in, the people that I thought I knew, and the friends that I had really did not matter to me at all. It isn’t because I am different, or that they did something wrong, it just didn’t seem to fit all together. We listened to different music, they were into Alternative, Grunge, Rock n’ Roll, while I was a Techno, Euro, Dance, and Freestyle. I was playing hockey in the local gym while they went out to drink and smoke. Never once did they come to play hockey with me, never once did I go out to drink with them. Keep in mind that when they went out to drink, they went to the park or hid in someone’s garage because we were all underage and thus making it illegal to drink. Did I ever feel the urge to drink? Of course, but for some reason I really never understood, a reason to this day, I have still never tasted alcohol. It took me awhile but I realized that I was in the wrong school hanging with the wrong crowd. I changed school’s, I convinced my father to let me into a more ‘organized school.’ Where everyone was a bit more into the music I was into, a bit more into the clothing I was into, the fact that we had to wear uniforms even made it a bit easier to fit in. It wasn’t conformity I was looking for mind you, it was just acceptance. To be around people who shared similar interests as me without being abrasive or hostile towards a different train of thought. This was the place that I met her, of course this is the part when you may be thinking, “Ah, here we go, a sexual encounter changes him, or in some adolescent curiosity shared between the two changes him for the better.” I must warn you before I continue, this is not the type of meeting or experience you may find comforting, or even normal, I’ve come to accept the fact that my meeting her has become an obsession passing on to the neurotic, without of course becoming illegal.

I have to ask, if you came close to meeting perfection, touching perfection, being able to physically hold it in your hand, realizing that it was possible, only to have it snatched away, never knowing when it would be back or if you could have it again, what would you do? Would you continue the chase? Would you give up? Would you think that it was your moment and you now had to move on and settle for something less. I will explain this further, but for now let me introduce the antagonist in my life. She is what kept me going, she was my hero, she was my first love, now I don’t know what she was. Her name was Lisa. What can I say, I could describe her to you, her measurements, her features, the way her hair blows in the wind, the way she likes to twist her long brown wavy hair in her fingers, but what’s the point, I’m sure you know her already. She’s the girl in your dreams; she’s that girl in your fantasy. You know the one I am talking about, the one that doesn’t exist because if she did she would be an angel. In life we meet many people, people we hate, people we become friends with and people we fall in love with. The latter happens sometimes without cause, some lovers are total opposites, and some are soul mates. My point is, Lisa was beyond all that. She went beyond what a soul mate would entail! She didn’t just laugh at my jokes, she understood them, she didn’t adapt to my whims it was as if she anticipated them, it wasn’t as if I was looking for a slave I was looking to get as close to perfection as humanly possible and that was my problem. What am I about to share, divulge if you will, will make you think twice about my sanity, whether or not I am right in the head will all be based upon your beliefs and your ability to trust a perfect stranger. This is one of those situations where “What if it were True” will intrigue you as long as it will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Without knowing completely why, all of a sudden I changed my image, my lifestyle and all my friends and even my school. I changed not only from the inside and the way I thought but from a physical aspect as well. I won’t lie, I was from far away from perfect as possible could be. It’s not enough to say that before I went to my new school I was simply overweight, I was steadily gaining weight I had gone from an active and athletic student to a lazy pungent drone. Due to the fact that my new school was based on semesters, there was approximately a 2-month layover before I could officially start, in which time I lost 60 pounds. It wasn’t as if I went on a diet, it was like my metabolism just went into overdrive, I guess one can argue I just became of age and my body was going through changes, but still I remembered it amazed me how quickly it seemed I had gained the weight and then just as quickly I had lost it. That’s as far as I dare to go without putting everyone who reads this to sleep, for those of you who stuck with it, thank you, maybe just maybe, … never mind I’ll just continue.

So my first day of school came, my first class, my first encounter with Lisa. She was sitting in the back row with a bunch of students that I could tell were either A) Very popular or B) Very rich. It turns out they were both. The second I walked in it was obvious that I was the ‘new guy,’ the fact that I had to ask someone sitting in the front whether it was Law class or not and that it was second semester and no one in the class knew who I was made the point more obvious. Before I could really look around and get comfortable with my setting the teacher walked in and immediately recognized who I was, not by face mind you, but it was obvious that he was expecting a new student and this seemed to be a big deal, or at least he made one out of it. Of course he introduced me to the class with the typical mumbo jumbo about my name and where I came from and then of course offered me a seat in the front row right in front of his desk. From what I could make out of my brief overview of the class is that there were three rows of desks paired facing the teacher’s desk. What I didn’t expect was that he asked for a volunteer that knew the school well and that could show me around and introduce me to people to sit next to me. It was at this point that the class went silent, I mean who in their right mind would want to be chaperone to some new guy who could be a total loser and be stuck with him sitting in the front row right next to the teacher. I bet this is the part you think where Lisa gets up in front of all her classmates, shows her bravery and her willingness to face the unknown, break out of conformity and comes and sits next to me. Well that is exactly what happens, to my shock and of course to my delight. This is where I truly noticed her, there were a lot of pretty faces in the class room and a few had caught my attention when I walked in, but Lisa was too far back in the class for me to have singled out, it wasn’t as though there was a Halo over her head to single her out. She introduced herself to me and told me her class schedule, she basically took me over the school rules, guidelines, and a whole bunch of other useful information a new student would need, all the time I was thinking to myself, and I do admit it was immature, but she was a babe and that she must make some man very happy. I was to learn more of that man later, but she had asked me a question but I was so lost in my thoughts that I had not caught what it was. It was at that time that the teacher had finished whatever it was he was writing on the board and had begun his lecture. That whole period I was unable to mutter a single word to her but it seems she understood my predicament, not that I was new to the school, not that I was intimidated by my new environment, but rather, I was too caught up in her aura, I wanted my first words to be meaningful, I wanted to start off with a good impression, I didn’t want to come off and say something goofy, so I wanted to choose my words carefully, and it was during this thought when she actually grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes and said that it would be helpful that if I started off by saying, “Hi.” At that moment the only thought I had was to laugh and so I did and she laughed and so it had begun. The four classes we had were broken down into four periods with a lunch period in between. The way the schedules were set up that the first class would be the home-room class and that students in that class would have at least 2 of 4 classes together and a common lunch. It turned out that Lisa and I had the exact same schedule. At lunch she introduced me to her friends whom at first did seem a bit cautious towards me and not as open as Lisa was, but they did seem friendly enough. I learned that everyone in the school had basically grown up together and even though there were many people from different feeder schools they had met before coming to high school through sports tournaments, family outings and things like that. They were basically one big happy family and as any newcomer there is an adjustment phase and over the next few weeks it was as though I had been there from the start, the stories they shared with me, the gossip I heard, throughout it all Lisa and I had formed a friendship. From the first day she had given me her number to call if I had any questions about schoolwork or if I just wanted to chat. I remember not wanting to seem to eager to call her so I think I waited nearly 15 minutes after I got home before dialing her up. She seemed happy to hear from me. The conversation was suppose to be short, I just wanted to thank her for being so nice to me and making my first day really easy, I remember that first call lasting for nearly 4 hours before it finally ended and even then I didn’t want to stop talking to her.
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Old 02-05-2003, 08:45 AM
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SteinFibers SteinFibers is offline
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Ok, so after about two months I had learned this, I like Lisa a lot, from her friends and a bit of information we shared with each other this is what I had learned; when I met her she wasn’t seeing any one but she did have some ex-boyfriends, nothing to be bothered about as I did find out she had never gotten too far past second base, something I had never gotten too far past either, so that was a bonus, her parents were well off, very nice, very open-minded, alright I’ll stop right here. This doesn’t take a genius to figure out where this is going, we started dating in the third month, I remember her asking me out to the semi-formal, no doubt I had wanted to go with her but thought that maybe it wasn’t right of me even though a few friends of hers had told me that she really liked me and it was damn right obvious that I liked her. That night was so romantic, I remember the beautiful white backless dress she was wearing, it was no surprise that every stopped what they were doing and paid attention when we walked in the dance hall. It was instant chemistry there was definitely something special in the air. We danced and danced and danced until we couldn’t dance anymore. I remember how tired I was after we had left the after party in the hotel that a whole bunch of her, well our friends had rented for the night. When I got her to her front door I wanted to kiss her, but I didn’t know if it was the right thing to do after such a wonderful evening, so I was glad when she made the first move and kissed me. There was a moment right before our lips met that I could have swore that I had felt a bolt of electricity traveled all throughout my body, when our lips did finally meet it was like, it was like, my words do no justice to the actual feeling, the kiss lasted for no more than 30 seconds but no doubt felt like an eternity to me. If that is where it had ended, it would have been enough to send me into lover’s paradise for weeks maybe months to come, but like any teenager I didn’t want it to end there and from her reaction I could tell that she didn’t want it to either. The porch light was on and since it was about 4 in the morning her parents would be asleep. She led me into her backyard from where I could tell by the tree line that it would be difficult for her neighbors or any other prying eyes to see us there. I had the expectation that we would continue making out maybe on a lawn chair or something with a possibility well, a prayer from my perspective for the action to get a bit more stimulating. It was dark and she held my hand as we continued walking, I could tell that the house was quite large from when I had arrived to pick her up earlier, but I had underestimated the size of the property and the backyard was large as well. As we ventured further I could see the water in the pool reflect the moonlight. She took off her shoes and pulled up her dress just enough not to get it wet and sat at the edge of the pool with her legs in the water, this is not what I had in mind but I was just happy to be with her. I took off my shoes and socks and rolled up my pant legs as far as I possible could and sat next to her. It was unusually warm for this time of year and it did feel comforting being in the water and next to Lisa at the same time. I was unprepared for what happened next.

She turned to me looked me in the eyes and told me that since she was very little that she would know right from the start when she had met the ‘one.’ She said that she believed that I was the one and wanted to share her how she thought her first time would be like. IT INVOLVED ME, the POOL, and No CLOTHING! Since her very nice and I could safely assume very expensive dress was up near her waist she took it off over her head in one swift motion, right away I noticed her bare breasts and the only thing she was left wearing was a silk thong. I bent over to kiss her but she slipped in to the pool before that. I was about to get up to get undressed but she emerged from the water (we were in the shallow end) and ordered me to stay sitting down. I could see her firm breasts in the moonlight and could tell that her nipples were rising to attention, by now my own predicament was becoming evident and despite the lack of lighting I could tell by her gaze that she had noticed. First I was ordered to remain sitting, then to take off my vest, then my shirt. I had to remain sitting and wither out of my pants until only my underwear was left. She came towards me and as she did removed her last garment of clothing and placed it in my mouth. From there she began to stroke my penis through my underwear until it was about half erect. A man can take so much and since I was so inexperienced I knew I could only last so much longer and took off my underwear and slipped in to the pool. Instantly I grabbed her close to my body, virtually every part of us was touching and we engaged in a deep kiss, longer than our first. I broke apart from it and began fondling her nipples and I could tell that she was getting excited; finally I kissed her breasts making sure to enjoy each and every mound, every corner. I remember getting a bit bolder and boosted by my newfound confidence I took my left hand and began to stroke her. At that age I had read about the female reproductive system and I knew that she would receive more pleasure if rubbed her clit. The instant I touched it she tightened her grip around me and began to move in rhythm with my stroking. I know I felt her shake in my arms and I assumed that she had reached climax. We exited the pool and made our way to the pool house by now the sun was in the horizon and I got a much better view of her naked body. What I had suspected from the first time that she sat next to was clearly evident, Lisa was just not an attractive girl, but she was more developed than any of the other girls in school, she was just a bit taller, a bit sexier, a bit more well endowed, it was like she was 2 years ahead of all the girls in her class. The pool house had a guest room and we made our way in. Unfortunately, it never occurred to me to bring a condom along, to be honest I didn’t think I was even going to get a goodnight kiss, but somehow Lisa must have known because she handed me one the instant we got in. I looked at her and she gave me a smile that made me feel that it was no accident what was going on. She had definitely planned this from the start and to be honest I was not going to complain. I put the condom on and she lay down on the bed. We both made love for the first time, I remember every detail, every moan, and the way it began and the way this marvelous act ended. She ended up on top of me and we engaged in one last passionate kiss. I had heard that was normally an awkward moment at the end, embarrassment, and resentment, maybe even guilt. I remember no such feeling, even when we went out naked in to the rising sun gathering our clothes and putting them back on, all I could remember was thinking, that this was the girl that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

Most stories would have ended at that moment. There was a beginning, middle and an end, for all intents and purposes, a beautiful love story. However it wouldn’t go with the beginning of my story would it? There was something more that I promised and believe me I did not forget, I’ll never forget.

Three years past by, we went to school prom together, we were voted King and Queen, as if you didn’t see that coming, in the first year of college I proposed to Lisa and thankfully she accepted. I couldn’t imagine spending my life with anyone but her and I knew that she had felt the same. Right after school was finished we got married she became a teacher and I got a job in the I.T field working for a well known data basing company. It was on our 4th anniversary, I had planned a romantic evening at a local restaurant where I was going to surprise her with plane tickets to Hawaii and instead she gave me a better surprise. She was pregnant with our son, 2 months pregnant to be exact and everything went well from there on as well. I can even remember the happiness I felt when my son and daughter graduated from University, he was a Computer Engineer and she became a Doctor, a neurologist to be precise, oh and I remember the day we became grandparents that was a great memory too. If fact that’s the last memory I had of that life. Please don’t get the wrong idea, I didn’t die, I think that would have been better. Oh yes it would have been much better. Instead what I first thought was a dream turns out, well let me explain.
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Old 02-05-2003, 08:45 AM
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I went to bed and I dreamt that I was in school, the first school, and the one that I had left. But it didn’t feel like any dream, it felt like I was actually there, the day that I told my old friends and my old teachers that I was leaving for a new school. But during that whole time it felt like I was really there, it was so real, but I knew what happened, I remember the words the teacher said to me although they were not exactly the same they were to the same effect. It seemed that the dream would not end, in fact I remember the full two months afterwards, where I was waiting for the 1st semester to end in my new school. I remembered the weight I had lost, but only in my dream I didn’t lose the weight, I in fact had gained more. This dream was starting to become a little gloomy, but hey it was a dream after all, then the big day came, it was the day that I was suppose to meet Lisa, I knew from there this dream would take a turn for the better. HORROR, it was different, so DIFFERENT, she wasn’t there, and there was another new guy who sat next to me, the teacher didn’t seem to like me at all. I don’t know what’s going on. I remembered Joseph in the back row, we became good friends he was the best man at my wedding. It was the first day of school and I remember the confused look in his eyes when I walked up to him and asked him where Lisa was. He acted like he had no clue to which LISA I was referring. HE DIDN’T KNOW WHO LISA WAS?? I really need to wake UP. The days didn’t go by quick, they felt like normal days but only they weren’t normal, I mean the wrong President won, the wrong team won the World Series. This dream was no dream I just couldn’t seem to wake up. I did go to College but I failed my finals so I dropped out. My life is continuing but it’s different. I am 23 now and I think I know what happened, it’s the only thing I can come up with, I was given perfection, and then it was taken away from me. For some reason or another, it was in my destiny to live two lives, the same me but just different. One with Lisa and one without, I continue everyday with her in my mind, I did so much research I thought I could find her, maybe she was just a bit different, maybe at a different school, but even her parents don’t exist in this, this place. I know what you may be thinking, jeez what a story, but I can tell you so many details of my life with Lisa, that I know it had to be real, if it wasn’t and that was a dream, no that’s not even possible. I know the difference, I knew the difference between a dream and reality, and both are so real just as I feel the wind blow on my face here I felt it the same way there. But there is one thing I knew I had to do. I had to write my story. Who believes and who doesn’t is no concern to me. I just wanted people to know that I loved Lisa with all my heart and the only way I can express this is in one story, a piece that for all intents and purposes will be a Fictional piece, otherwise I know what people will think of me, I know the scrutiny that I will face. So I hope you enjoyed my story, because that’s all it is. It’s just a dream. Wake up. Wake up. WAKE UP. Please Wake up. It just occurred to me, what that first question was that she asked me on the first day of school. She asked, “Are you daydreaming?”
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Old 02-09-2003, 03:02 PM
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I know a lot of people are viewing it, if you could leave some feedback as well that would be great, it would be nice to know what to change, leave the same when I write another one...

Thanks in advance,

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Old 08-03-2003, 12:12 AM
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Wow, I can't believe i wrote that..heh, Just wanted to try something with some how we look at things after a long time...

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Old 09-20-2003, 04:15 AM
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Kissing Your Soft Parts!
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I liked it very much. Great imagination.
It had a very nice style and relaxed sense to it.
I was expecting you to develop it a bit more.
But, that could be saved for chapter 2.
Seems like a three-part story.

At the end of part 2, just as you are about to commit suicide,
the scene shimmers and you awake in Lisa's arms.
It's a sunny morning and she is giving you your medications.
Who knows how it will end????
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